Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Consume Alcohol? Helpful Facts!

Consume Alcohol?

There are various kinds of alcohol that can treat individuals in a different set of perspective and generosity manners. The types of alcohols that are developed and made are methyl, amyl, propyl, butyl or butanol, denatured, and ethyl. The normal type of alcohol that is used often by the public and the nation is ethyl alcohol, which is a substance that can seriously lead to a personal relations against other individuals, or groups, or cause problems that will interfere with the public. Ethyl (Ethanol) is fermented with sugars. The main type of alcohol is ethyl alcohol, which is a beverage that contains a hundred and twenty calories per ounce depending of one kind. (Alcohol, Page 9)

What kind of problems can possibly occur, when alcohol is being consumed by anybody? The alcohol-related problems can happen to anybody consuming alcohol that are at the risk of facing will have numerous possible effects for a length of a short amount of time or through rest of your life. Alcohol does have a dangerous side effect that can harm your health in some way. Alcohol can create a problem. Problems that can actually be permanent or short term in life.

If anyone tends to find out why ethyl alcohol is not a healthy product for the body system, but he or she will understand why the law limits the legal drinking age. Bad behavior is more likely to develop mentally and physically. Habit will often make changes and that is sometimes on the good, normal, or bad side based on the information and description that is given.
As the world continues to move on there are some quite changeable quantities that each person can make through their experiences and theories. They are being judged by the amount of knowledge they actually know. Consuming alcohol can damage a person, both mentally and physically. Almost anyone who considers consuming an alcoholic substance is nearly killing the system of one’s body.

How does the body effect alcohol inside your body? One of the theories made by the sociologist, educator, and a therapist, stated that alcohol can change the body in many unusual ways to the amount of alcohol can accidentally make a cause from drinking purposely. Alcohol can make the eyes become hard to focus, skin can increase the size of a blood vessel causing reddish blotches, muscles can have losses of tone and strength, if one or two livers can cause cirrhosis which can cause death. Alcohol is fattening (Alcohol, Page 13-14). One of the researchers assume that brain interferes with judgment, balances, vision and cause death, also the rate of the heart beat can increase, and kidneys can stop working, then but not the excess water cannot be passed from the body pancreas-veins and arteries.

Alcohol varies upon each person’s weight and health issue, depending on how much alcohol a person consumed. (Addiction, Page 68) Alcohol is a substance/The Possible Effects are intoxicant, depressant, painkiller, and or could impair, (by weakening or damage) the judgments. (Addiction, Page 5). According to Berger, Gilda; “The amount of food present at the time determines how fast the alcohol will be absorbed. Up to twenty percent may enter the bloodstream from the stomach, consuming any amount of alcohol can lead to depressant, negative behavior will appear, bored-ness, talkative and bold. Also consuming can cause a lot of problems”, (Addiction, pp. 68) says Berger, Gilda.

Alcohol is a drinking beverage that is nationalized and is available to any person. That victim will tempt to figure out what the alcoholic procedure is all about both, physically and mentally. Nationally, accidents occur to alcoholics around the world; could occur from blackout, depressants, family/relative/friend problems, or brings a person to commit suicide or homicide with another person that made them become upset. There are unknown factors that alcohol can do to an individual who continues to drink. Treatments are offered for everyday alcoholic consumers who possibly have second thoughts to stay sober, both mentally and physically. One of the corporations that offer programs is called “Alcoholics Anonymous program”. “Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) is a treatment center for alcoholics to become, remain, and stay sober. One of the treatments for alcohol are Alcoholics Anonymous located in of Regardless of treatment, most patients join Alcoholic Anonymous. AA is a group that helps alcoholics help themselves and each other to sober up and remain sober”, Says Gilda, Berger. Various groups of individuals show different responses to alcohol.” (Alcohol, Paragraph 2 page 73). “According to this belief, the more a person drinks, the more he or she needs to drink. A person’s move toward alcoholism may begin with the first drink. The disease progresses from moderate drinking to heavier consumption. It is a sequence that has to do with choice or power (Alcohol, page 73 paragraph 5). There is no special, overwhelming ‘right’ treatment for alcoholism,” according to Doctor Ross Fishman of Cornell University. Hundreds of treatments and research centers around the country offer treatment programs. For treatment centers only about thirty-five to fifty percent of alcoholics who under-go treatment recover (Page 75, Addiction).
Alcohol does bring problems that outsmart the sober and non-drinkers. Most problems are worsened. Alcoholics would definitely make the problems worse by fighting, both physically and mentally. The drinker is unable to become active at the time they become alcoholics and there are times when they block out and say things. Also, other times most likely alcoholics would definitely crave twice as more than a non-drinker and with horrible role-model, negative behaviors would appear as they crave and think that becoming more drunk every so often would keep them from boredom or being the real self (shyness). The standard alcohol procedures are complicated. Anyone can and will be able to make a decision based on their emotions, thoughts, and habits to drink or not to drink alcohol.

One of my suggestions is that if you know an alcoholic who is drinking alcohol, or anyone who has or had consume alcohol, is to tell a trusted person and make sure that the drunk person is taken with proper care, because alcohol can lead to unconsciousness and near death. There is always someone to talk to and beside we are gifted with someone to hang on to and can stay gold with us forever, since they are given a special gift. Anyone can become addicted nor develop dependency (strong desire to take a drug often.) Drinking and driving is a dangerous action that can cause or relate to terrible accidents. One of the things is that alcohol was illegal until 1919; the Congress passed the eighteenth amendment (Alcohol, page 14-15).

There is an example that states of an alcoholic that died from drinking alcohol because the drunk person’s judgment was impaired. One example, the story was told by two of the teenage boys that had been there and seen it with their own eyes. The information is based on the fact of these two teenage boys that encountered at the time a drunken person had an accident was during the fall of sometime around 2000. The drunken person was preparing the boat for him and his buddies and ready to leave into town with most of his buddies being high off of alcohol. Then an unexpected health relation appeared to have been an incident at the scene, the drunken person had a seizure and fell straight into the water and along the way the two teenage boys was at the scene and quickly pulled him off the water, up the land and rescued for help. Then when some adult came by, that adult brought him over to where the drunken person stays and made the drunken person’s mother know about the fact that he had drowned and was saved by the two teenage boys. He was in laying on the couch all day with blanket cover him and when I saw him he didn’t speak a word at all, but as I was watching him he looked as if he wanted to tell me something about what happened but wouldn’t because he had caught a very deep cold and his mother told me to be quiet at the whole time. Sometime that following week he had passed away and most of his relatives came, since he had a big family, with no wife and no child. That was an example of how consuming alcohol can cause accidents and caregivers give advises not to drink, if they have the time to.

Berger, Gilda. Addiction. New York: Franklins Watts, 1982.
Taylor, Barbara. Everything You Need To Know About Alcohol. Rosen, 1999.

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