Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reason or Problem

For now my thoughts are like blank and can't get through or start a short story to finish phase 18 by friday.. geez, and i need to finish a persuasive paper also. Which shucks and telling fictional stories is never in my blood. Just know the steps and all. transferred here so i can go to church and i went to church some days. yeah. but i can't make up a short story or stories! wonder why. maybe too depressed like most days of my lifetime but telling stories aren't my habit. I wonder why is it that i can't tell stories... perhaps you couldn't answer my problem because my life is mine and that life can be unique. man, i just don't know what else to write.

My days are like the rest of them at this time
where one may fall and never be the same
problems are so puny to realize through a bell chime
while others can use their spare time wisely with ashame
Life develops unkown experiences to overcome
just like clapping hands (palm to palm) is the sound of a bump.
There are quite ways to unfamiliarize life as to some
with noises filling the air with ice chumps.

I really don't know what i am up to.

well, were looking forward to graduate on the 15th of may, well it depends on my short story and persuasive paper.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hey Martha! need a short story. I can look through your past papers and maybe fax one to you that you could work on and improve on. I'll see what I've saved for you.

You can do this! You are so close keep going and just do your best! I'll be here if you need ANY help. Keep smiling...we'll get through this.